Wolf King - the Wereworld saga in animation. A new animated series produced by Netflix presents its first promo. Following are the first animations of Wolf King.Set in a world where mortal men are ruled by the Wolf Lords, we meet 16-year-old Drew Ferran, a teenager whose life changes forever when he discovers he is the last surviving Wolf King.The Wolf King series is produced by British Jellyfish Pictures (with production studios in London, Mumbai and Toronto) and Lime Pictures, based on the books by Curtis Jobling. Produced by Angelo Abela, Tim Compton, Jobling and Barry Quinn, with Tom Brass directing and Celia Morgan and Andrew Burrell writing.A series consisting of 16 episodes of the canonical 22 minutes that will be released in 2025 on Netflix.Here the first promo:[ Fra - source Netflix ]. End of the article.