Max presents the reboot of the Clone High animated series. The reboot, or rather refresh, of the animated series Clone High is presented by the channel Max with the trailer and the date of the premiere.A modern refresh of the hit series of the same name, Clone High follows a high school for clones of the greatest minds in history. Twenty years after the original experiment was put on ice, Joan, JFK, Abe, and Cleo have been thawed out to resume school with their new clone classmates - all while navigating a new set of cultural norms and overly dramatic teen relationships.The original Canadian-American animated series was released in 2002 on MTv and produced by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Bill Lawrence, conceived by the couple Lord and Miller in the 1990s during their years at Dartmouth College.A single season of 13 episodes which then passes under HBO Max (now simply renamed Max) which orders two new season after twenty years.In addition to the original crew, voice actors Will Forte, Nicole Sullivan, Christa Miller, Donald Faison, Judah Miller and producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller, respectively voices of Principal Scudworth and JFK/Mr. B., will also reprise their roles.The premiere is set for May 23rd with two new episodes every Thursday.Here the trailer:[ Fra - source AnimationMagazine ]. End of the article.