Animation World
The Nutty Boy is the first Brazilian animated series by Netflix
October 3, 2022

The Nutty Boy is the first Brazilian animated series by Netflix

A new animated series dedicated to younger audiences is titled Menino Maluquinho and below we present the first trailer.
Made entirely with two-dimensional flash-style animations, Menino Maluquinho (internationally The Nutty Boy) is the first Brazilian animated series produced by Netflix.

The episodes follow the misadventures of the young Maluquinho and his friends, characters from the homonymous children's book by the Brazilian author Ziraldo. From the original 1980s book, comics were produced that sold over 4 million copies in 10 countries, inspiring movies and TV series.

According to Netflix, the animated series promises to incorporate contemporary topics and add new characters who will join Maluquinho the " famous boy with a pan on his head".

"It makes me happy to see this young boy entertaining a new generation of Brazilians, now bringing themes that are relevant to the contemporary challenges of childhood and adolescence", said Ziraldo. "In this way, families will be able to watch it and have fun together. Adults will remember their childhood, and kids will now create their own memories with our boy".

A production by Chatrone, adapted by Carina Schulz and Rodrigo Olaio, directed by Beto Gomez and Michele Massagli, with the artistic direction of Beta Kruger and Walkir Fernandes, and Gustavo Suzuki head screenwriter.

Available from October 12 on Netflix, here's the trailer that introduces it:

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