Exception - A CG space horror sci-fi anime on Netflix. A new original anime series titled Exception comes with a long trailer that you can find below."What is a human?"An all-star staff including writer Hirotaka Adachi (aka Otsuichi), character designer Yoshitaka Amano, composer Ryuichi Sakamoto and director Yuzo Sato presents a completely original space horror sci-fi story with CG animations.In the far future, humanity has been driven from Earth and forced to move its population to another galaxy. Members of a scouting team are sent to search for a planet suitable for terraforming. The crew is created through a biological 3D printer, but a system malfunction causes one of the crew members, Lewis, to emerge in a deformed state. As Lewis turns on his fellow crew members Nina, Mack, Patty and Oscar, a countdown to the end of the mission begins in the frightening darkness of the ship.The Series Exception starts streaming from October 13, 2022, only on Netflix.Here the trailer:[ Fra - source Netflix ]. End of the article.