Event: Donald Duck

Date: June 9
Donald Duck, original Donald Fauntleroy Duck, is an imaginary character of Disney comics and cartoons.

It was born on 9 June 1934 and, from the very first appearances, it is white with orange beak and legs. He usually wears a blouse and a sailor's cap but without pants.

Is the son of Hortense McDuck (sister of Scrooge McDuck) and Quackmore Duck (son of Grandma Duck), has a twin sister, Della Duck, mother of Huey, Dewey and Louie, grandchildren who spend a lot of time with their uncle.

In 1935, Donald Duck debuted in the daily strips of Mickey Mouse, designed by the cartoonist Floyd Gottfredson. The cartonist Utah brings it to the screen where it will become the perfect shoulder of Mickey Mouse, duo that expands to a trio with the addition of Goofy.

He is considered an anti-hero, the incarnation of the modern middle man, with his frustrations, his problems, his neuroses.

Seen always as an unlucky ducky, or simply lazy, in Italy the artist Guido Martina dresses him with new clothes, in a totally noir atmosphere. For the first time, Paperinik appears, the spotless and fearless superhero.

[ Fra - source Wikipedia ]
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